- Overview
Our private course is very satisfying for several reasons, among others:
1. Personalized attention: During individual lessons, we can focus on your specific needs and goals, and provide you with highly personalized feedback and guidance.
2. Flexible schedules: The course can be adapted to your schedule, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
3. Focused practice: The course can be modified so that you learn the language during daily life situations that are relevant to you, which helps to increase your confidence.
4. Faster progress: You can develop your oral skills in a shorter time; in fact, students in private courses learn 6 times faster than those in group courses.
5. A tailored learning experience: The private course can be adapted to your learning style and preferences, so that your learning process is more enjoyable and effective.
We offer private courses for all levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Overall, our private conversation course provides a highly personalized and effective learning environment, allowing you to achieve your goals in a more interesting and efficient way.
Please, fill in the enrolment form and you can start right away.
Each level comprises 50 hours / 25 sessions. Each course is then 2 hours.
There are 3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, based on the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB).
When enrolling, you will have an oral assessment to determine your initial level. Your course will be then customized to meet your language goal.
No, you don’t.
There are several differences. We provide personalized instruction, immediate feedback, and opportunities for improving communication skills in real-life situations. Duolingo can be a convenient and flexible way to complete vocabulary and grammar exercises through self-paced and gamified activities. However, when learning to speak a language it is necessary for you and another person to engage in a conversation, which message should be well-structured, with the correct vocabulary and well-pronounced, so the other person can understand and reply.
- Some subtle differences can make a huge change in the outcome of your course. For example, an “online course” refers to a self-paced, asynchronous course where students can complete activities on their own schedule; whereas a “virtual course” refers to a live, synchronous course that requires students and a coach to attend classes at specific times. In addition, a virtual course and an in-class course have the same characteristics.
We are experienced teachers, currently also working for school boards.
You will receive a certificate and a language report that describes your language level. Both documents are acceptable language levels in Canada.
Prendre notre cours privé vous offrira une très grande satisfaction pour plusieurs
raisons, notamment, vous allez profiter:
1. D’une attention personnalisée : des séances individuelles enrichissantes pendant lesquelles votre coach peut se concentrer sur vos besoins et objectifs spécifiques en matière linguistique. Il peut aussi vous offrir une rétroaction immediate et des conseils personnalisés.
2. Des horaires flexibles : votre cours peut être adapté à votre emploi du temps, vous permettant d'apprendre à votre rythme.
3. Des pratiques orales ciblées : le cours est modélisé, de sorte que vous apprendrez la nouvelle langue dans des situations réelles pertinentes et stimulantes, vous aidant à renforcer votre confiance.
4. Progrès plus rapides : vous allez développer vos compétences orales en moins de temps ; en effet, les étudiants en cours privés s'améliorent 6 fois plus rapidement que ceux en cours en petit groupe.
5. D’une expérience d'apprentissage sur mesure : votre cours privé sera adapté à votre style et préférences d'apprentissage, ce qui rendra le processus plus agréable et efficace pour vous.
Nous proposons des cours privés pour tous les niveaux : débutant, intermédiaire et avancé.
Dans l'ensemble, notre cours privé de conversation vous offre bien plus qu'un simple enseignement de langue; c’est une expérience immersive dans un environnement de soutien continu, où vous pourrez atteindre vos objectifs plus rapidement et agréablement.
Please, fill in the enrolment form and you can start right away.
Each level comprises 50 hours / 25 sessions. Each course is then 2 hours.
There are 3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, based on the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB).
When enrolling, you will have an oral assessment to determine your initial level. Your course will be then customized to meet your language goal.
No, you don’t.
There are several differences. We provide personalized instruction, immediate feedback, and opportunities for improving communication skills in real-life situations. Duolingo can be a convenient and flexible way to complete vocabulary and grammar exercises through self-paced and gamified activities. However, when learning to speak a language it is necessary for you and another person to engage in a conversation, which message should be well-structured, with the correct vocabulary and well-pronounced, so the other person can understand and reply.
- Some subtle differences can make a huge change in the outcome of your course. For example, an “online course” refers to a self-paced, asynchronous course where students can complete activities on their own schedule; whereas a “virtual course” refers to a live, synchronous course that requires students and a coach to attend classes at specific times. In addition, a virtual course and an in-class course have the same characteristics.
We are experienced teachers, currently also working for school boards.
You will receive a certificate and a language report that describes your language level. Both documents are acceptable language levels in Canada.
Student Ratings & Reviews
Beginner level
Intermediate level
Advanced level
Total Enrolls 10
Total des inscrits2
Dernière mise à jourmars 5, 2025